Parking infringement

1. Overview

The 1 hr free parking will continue for all ‘Pay and Display’ parking areas until further notice. Usual restrictions apply to all limited time parks, disability parks, loading zones etc.

2. What is a parking infringement notice for?

Council will issue you a parking infringement notice if your vehicle:

  • Is parked in a Pay and Display area and a current parking coupon is not clearly visible.
  • Stays longer than permitted in the time restricted area, eg P5.
  • Is in an area restricted for certain vehicles, eg taxis, buses and mobility parking.
  • Compromises the safety of other motorists or pedestrians, ie parking over broken yellow lines, vehicle crossings, footpaths, within six metres of an intersection or pedestrian crossing.
  • Is parked with part of the vehicle outside lines marking any parking space.

3. How do I pay parking fines?

Parking fines should be paid within 28 days from the date the ticket was issued. You can pay the amount due by:

Credit card

Pay online by credit card

You can pay parking tickets using a credit card online. We accept Visa and MasterCard only. Due to the bank security restrictions, currently payments are only accepted from credit cards issued in the following countries: New Zealand, Australia, United Kingdom, Canada, USA and Germany.

Please note

  • A merchant fee of 2% normally applies to the payment, which is charged by the credit card and merchant service providers. Council does not retain any part of this fee.
  • You should check with the Bank that issued your credit card for details about other fees or charges that may also apply, as this credit card transaction is carried out in terms of the arrangement between you and your card issuer.
  • Transactions are processed by Council within three working days of the payment.
  • At the end of a transaction, you will be given a reference number. Receipts for online payments are not available, however you can either print the screen or note down the details for future reference.
  • Please contact us regarding refunds for overpayments or incorrect payments.

Terms and Conditions

Please acknowledge you have read and understood the Terms and Conditions before proceeding to Waitaki e-Services.

  • A reminder notice will be sent to the registered owner of the car if payment is not made within 28 days.
  • If payment is not made within 28 days of the reminder being posted the infringement is sent to the Wellington District Court for follow-up. Court costs will be then added (these are currently $30 per infringement notice).
  • The infringement must then be paid to the Wellington District Court.

Bank transfer

Pay by bank transfer

You can arrange with your bank to pay parking tickets by telephone or Internet banking. Please use the following details when making your payment by online banking to ensure that it will be receipted correctly.

Bank: Bank of New Zealand (BNZ)
Account name: Waitaki District Council
Account number: 02 0940 0156400 00

It is essential that you include the required information in the 'Particulars', 'Code' and 'Reference' columns when you make a payment. Without this information, we may not be able to allocate your money to your outstanding payment – which could result in unnecessary problems and delays

How to set up a bank transfer correctly

  • Enter the correct information in each of the 3 fields your bank provides for you; 'Particulars', 'Code', and 'Reference'.
Particulars Code Reference
Enter the Registration Number (Rego No.) of the motor vehicle that is printed on the Infringement Notice.
This can be up to six alpha-numeric characters.
"PARKING TCKT ". Infringement No. from the top of Parking Ticket.
Must start with "IN" followed by the six-digit infringement number (e.g. IN999999).
  • Use the samples below to ensure you enter the correct Infringement Notice number on the parking ticket.

Parking ticket example

Important note:

  • Please do not make one transfer for several accounts - for example, three rate accounts, a parking ticket and a dog registration.
  • Please split the payment with the appropriate payment particular and reference details to ensure that it is paid to the correct account.

In person

Pay in person

If you would like to pay by cash, EFTPOS or Credit Card* at the Council offices, you are welcome to visit

  • The main Council office at 20 Thames Street, Oamaru. or
  • our service centre at 54 Tiverton Street, Palmerston.

Please note*: a 1.5% merchant fee will be charged for credit cards to cover the cost of this payment option.


4. What do I do if I want to appeal a parking ticket?

If you disagree with a parking infringement that has been issued to you, it is possible for you to appeal against it. An appeal needs to be made in writing. You can complete a Parking Appeal form(PDF, 162KB) and outline why you wish to appeal your ticket.

Please note: To dispute your ticket, you will need to have a legitimate reason as to why the ticket should not have been issued or is not justified.

Grounds for appeal

See some of the reasons below for appealing your parking ticket

Note: supporting documentation may be required for all reasons above.

Other reasons may not be sufficient grounds to challenge your parking fine

Examples include:

  • You lost track of time or the reason why you parked in a particular place took longer than you expected, e.g. hair appointment
  • You did not see the sign
  • You did not understand the parking sign
  • You went to get change for the pay and display machine (you are only allowed ten minutes for this)
  • Your vehicle is parked outside of the marked space
  • Other vehicles were parked illegally or inconsiderately
  • One of the methods of payment was not available – it is expected in this situation that you use another method of payment or another meter

Document links

Please always remember to include your full name, date of birth, residential address, Infringement number, and car registration when writing to us about parking infringements.

We aim to assess your appeal within five working days and will then send a letter to advise you of the outcome.

Getting a statutory declaration witnessed

Before you sign the Statutory Declaration form and fill in the date and place, you need to find an authorised witness. Here are the service desks in Oamaru where Justices of the Peace (JP) are available to the public:

  • Citizens Advice Bureau (100 Thames Street) - Mondays 10am to 12:30pm
  • Oamaru library (62 Thames Street) - Wednesday 11am-1pm

(or) Please click here to search for your nearest JP

5. Why does the Parking Warden mark car tyres?

Before an infringement is issued the parking warden must be sure the vehicle has been in that park for longer than permitted.

The time is taken from the time the tyre is marked irrespective of the time the vehicle has been in the park before this. In the Pay and Display areas, if a parking coupon has been purchased and displayed in the vehicle after the tyre is marked and before the warden returns no further action is taken.