Where to park in Oamaru
The 1 hr free parking will continue for all ‘Pay and Display’ parking areas until further notice. Usual restrictions apply to all limited time parks, disability parks, loading zones etc.
As of 1 July 2019, Paid parking for all metered parking spaces on and off-street will be required between;
- 10am – 5.30pm Monday to Friday
- 10am – 1pm Saturday
Sunday and Public holidays have free parking.
On-Street Parking
Thames Street (from Itchen to Dee Streets), Ribble Street (east), Coquet Street (east) and Eden and Wear Streets.
$2.00 per hour payable with coins and credit card.
Off-Street Parking
Eden Street (north and south), Steward Street (Hospital) and Medway Street.
$2.00 per hour or $8.00 for all day parking.
Meters are spread throughout the area. Put coins in to cover the time needed and push the GREEN button firmly. The machine should print a ticket. Place it face up on the dashboard of your car so it can be clearly read from outside. This coupon allows users to park anywhere in the particular area, i.e. those from meters on the street are for on-street parking and tickets from off-street meters are for any off-street parking.
Paid Parking Areas
Google Map Instructions
Press arrow keys to pan
Press plus or minus keys to zoom
Shortcut keys
Press M for roadmap view
Press S for satellite view
Press H for hybrid view
Press T for terrain view
To navigate, press the arrow keys.
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What do I do if the meter rejects my coins?
We are sorry if this happens, things to try are:
- Try another coin, if possible.
- Try another payment method (PayMyPark or Credit Card)
- Try another machine if there is one close by.
If the machine is malfunctioning and not accepting any coins, please let us know via the Snap Send Solve app.
Do I have to pay if I’m ducking into a shop for five minutes?
Legally you have to be parked for five minutes before being required to pay. Our policy in Oamaru allows you 10 minutes.
PayMyPark App
For information on the PayMyPark app, please check this page.