Fast Track Approvals Information

The Fast-track Approvals Bill provides a streamlined process for obtaining approvals under multiple Acts, not just resource consents under the Resource Management Act 1991.

Implications for consultation, including neighbours

Project applicants must consult with several parties before applying, including relevant neighbouring landowners and occupiers whose land is within or ‘adjacent to’ the application site.

Once an application is referred, the Expert Panel must invite written comments from neighbours and other relevant parties. However, the Panel has discretion over whether to hold a hearing. Only those who were consulted and invited to provide written comment can lodge a submission and have the opportunity to be heard at the hearing.

This means affected neighbours and other parties will need to proactively engage to have their views considered.

Role of Councils

Council’s main roles include providing initial written comments when invited, assisting Panels with information and advice, and administering approved resource consents and designations.

Fast Track projects in Waitaki District

Of the 149 listed, the Black Point solar farm and Macraes Mine expansion project (MP4) are within Waitaki District.

The Macraes Mine project already has a resource consent application lodged with Council. It is currently being processed but may be withdrawn and lodged under the Fast Track process.