Pay your rates

Rate instalment due dates 2023-24 rating year

Rates will be collected by quarterly instalments on the following dates or on the first working day after this date. Payments will be applied to the oldest debt first.

Instalment Due date
One 25 August 2023
Two 25 November 2023
Three 25 February 2024
Four 25 May 2024


Paying rates when you own multiple properties (rating units)

If you have a property with multiple rating units, or you own multiple rating units around the district, you will need to ensure you identify each of the rating units when you make payments. Please go to rating units with multiple parts for more information.

How to pay your rates

Bank transfer

Pay by bank transfer

You can arrange with your bank to pay your rates by phone or internet banking.

Please use the following details when making your payment by online banking to ensure it will be receipted correctly.

Bank: Bank of New Zealand (BNZ)
Account name: Waitaki District Council
Account number: 02 0940 0156400 00

It is essential that you include the required information in the 'Particulars', 'Code' and 'Reference' columns when you make a payment. Without this information, we may not be able to allocate your money to your outstanding payment – which could result in unnecessary problems and delays

How to set up a bank transfer correctly

Enter the correct information in each of the 3 fields your bank provides for you; 'Particulars', 'Code', and 'Reference'. 

Customer Name from the Rates Assessment Notice. Enter surname, a space then initials or company name only. Limit 12 characters.


Rates Assessment Number from the Notice. This is a six-digit number with no alpha characters (e.g. 123456 ) 

Use the samples below to ensure you enter the correct Assessment number on the notice

Important note:

Please do not make one transfer for several accounts- for example, three rate accounts, a water account and a dog registration. Instead, split the payment with the appropriate payment particular and reference details to ensure that the payment is made to the correct account. 

Ratepayers with automatic payments are responsible for keeping these up to date.  This means ensuring the amounts are sufficient to clear the rates by all of the required due dates, that the Assessment References are correct, and that they are cancelled if a property is sold .


Direct debit

Credit card

In person

Search your property and rates online

You can use a street address, valuation number or legal description to search for a property's information and rating details.

Note: The search result shows the annual rate amount only. It does not show live balance or any balance of your account.

Visit our Property and Rating search.