Roadside Vegetation
Roadside spraying
Downer NZ, on behalf of the Waitaki District Council and Whitestone Contracting Ltd, apply herbicides to pest plants (Noxious weeds) kerb and channel and road shoulders.
This work is for the Road Maintenance contract 870 and includes roadsides footpaths and kerbs in both urban and rural areas.
Tordon brush killer is applied to pest plants. Glysophate is applied to kerbs footpaths and road shoulders.
Records regarding dates of chemical spraying are held by Waitaki District Council. Please contact if you wish to make an enquiry.
Where does Council mow?
Council has an annual mowing schedule which sets out the specific areas for mowing around the district. For the Waihemo and Ahuriri wards, this is decided by the respective community boards (any queries should be made directly to board representatives). Council undertakes an annual review of its mowing schedule and reviews any feedback from the community concerning maintenance issues. Beyond this, maintenance is limited to grass cutting to reduce hazards ie fire, visibility. If the grass on your neighbour's property is unkempt and causing an eyesore, Council cannot intervene unless there is a fire hazard, a risk to your health or to the environment.
Who is supposed to mow the verge?
A berm or verge is usually the grass area between the road and your property or business. While it is legally Council-owned land, for all intents and purposes, the property owner or resident take on the responsibility for its upkeep.
In most cases they are cut by the property owner or resident. Council may consider mowing or maintaining verges to the property where:
- Verges require specialist equipment to maintain, for example, steep slopes.
- A property owner is unable to mow the verge due to illness, age or similar restrictions and is unable to make alternative arrangements.
Am I allowed to plant the verge outside my property?
Probably yes, but an application must be made to Council for approval to do this. Council will then assess the application and if approval is given, one of the standard conditions is that you take full responsibility for on-going maintenance. If the property is sold you will either return the verge to grass or ensure the next owner takes over responsibility for maintaining the planted area.
Council's standards for mowing
Category |
Description |
Intervention height |
Finishedheight |
Urban residential, commercial and industrial property frontage. |
Usually grass verges, traffic island areas or other high profile sites on sealed roads only. |
150mm |
50mm |
Urban residential banks, higher profile areas. |
Usually the land shape does not allow a mower on it eg steep slopes. On sealed roads only. Many of these are cut using weed eaters. |
250mm |
50mm |
Vegetation control |
These are low profile areas which are only maintained to reduce hazards such as possible visibility impairments and fire risks. On sealed roads only. |
300mm |
100mm |
Overhanging and overgrown vegetation
To ensure our roads and footpaths are safe and accessible for everyone, we request the property owners to trim back any private vegetation overhanging the property boundary on to the road corridor.
The graphic below illustrates the area that needs to be maintained.

- The area above the footpath, berm or walkway needs to be kept clear of overgrowth from trees, low shrubs, vines and hedges to a height of 2.5m.
- Shelter belts and hedges in rural areas where branches may encroach over the road and reduce visibility or be hazardous to vehicles, should be trimmed clear at least 4.5m above road level.
Overgrown vegetation on your property boundary or adjacent to your property which is deemed to be private (e.g. Trees and plantings on the roadside) will need to be trimmed back by the property owner. If you are unable to carry out this work and require assistance in this matter please contact us to make alternative arrangements.