Street lights
Street lights are installed to light public roads and access ways for traffic and pedestrian safety purposes. We manage approximately 2,600 streetlights in the district, including the ones on the state highway network on behalf of the NZ Transport Agency. Our goals are inspecting, maintaining and monitoring the street lights in order to:
- Protect the health and safety of the community and personnel operating and maintaining the roading networks.
- Ensure the environment is protected and that any adverse impacts on the environment resulting from the inspection and maintenance are minimised.
- Provide street light operation and maintenance services to the community to specified standards.
- Ensure the communities' investment in the streetlight infrastructural assets is protected.
- Ensure the reliability and availability of the streetlight networks is maintained.
- Ensure the inspection and maintenance complies with all legal requirements, New Zealand standards, codes, specifications and bylaws.
Street light not working?
Please give us a call on 03 433 0300 and we will arrange for a contractor to repair it. Please give a good description of the location of the light, such as a street address, and a description of the problem.
Request for street lights
If you think your area needs new or additional street lights, please contact us to discuss your ideas. Each request for new, additional or improved street lighting are assessed on the potential benefits to safety and community value.
Please note: All our requests are usually processed as part of our Annual Plan process.