Water supply bylaw
Introduction to the Bylaw
Council’s Water Supply Bylaw enables Council to manage and regulate the supply of water to consumers in the most efficient and effective way. The current bylaw was introduced in 2014 and replaces the 2001 Rural Water Schemes Bylaw. It is based on the Model General Bylaw (Part 7 – Water Supply). The bylaw contributes to the following community outcomes (as in Council’s Long Term Plan):
Waitaki people are safe and healthy
- We provide safe, reliable access to drinking water
Waitaki has a diverse, sustainable economy
- Our infrastructure and services are reliableand affordable
- Our infrastructure and services enable development in the District
Key functions of the Bylaw include setting out the conditions of supply (including the rights and responsibilities of both Council and water consumers), and setting out how Council will deal with breaches and offences – including tampering with the supply and theft.
Tampering, theft and illegal connections
Interfering and tampering with, removing, or disturbing any part of the water supply in not permitted. An important role of the bylaw is to help protect the supply from damage, theft and tampering. These are problems that impact on everyone. People sometimes remove or tamper with parts of the water supply, which can enable them to get more water than they are paying for.
This very often results in other consumers missing out and can lead to widespread water supply issues that are time consuming and costly to fix. Under the bylaw, Council can recover the costs of any water stolen or damage done to the supply. The land owner is responsible for the cost of setting things right and offenders can also be prosecuted.
A note for rural property buyers:
If you have bought a property with a restricted supply you need to ensure that the restrictor has not been damaged or tampered with in any way. As the new property owner, you may be liable for the costs of putting things right and repairing any damage that has resulted from prior tampering or negligence, even if you were unaware of it.
If you are unsure of what to look for, please call on 03 433 0300.
Full Water Supply Bylaw
Please go to Bylaw page.