Instead of going into Council Head Office at 20 Thames Street for enquiries and Council services, you can pop into Ōamaru Library at 62 Thames Street during the week or on a Saturday morning.
Council provides a wide range of services that are paid for primarily by rates. These services and the level of service provided are agreed through consultation with the public when we're adopting the Long Term Plan and Annual Plans. If the community asks that a service changes then rates will change.
Rates are divided between all rateable properties and collected as a mix of uniform (standard) charges and variable charges based on either land value and/or the capital value of each property.
Rates will be collected by quarterly instalments and payments will be applied to the oldest debt first. Please click here to view instalment dates.
Document Link:
Property and rates general information. Who pays Council rates and accessibility /availability of rates information at the Council?
Search our rating information database for a property by street address, valuation number, assessment number or legal description.
Find out when your rates instalments are due and the ways you can pay them.
Get informed of the types of Remissions that can be applied for and who is eligible to apply under the Local Government (Rating) Act .
A Rating Value is an indicative market value of your property and is used to apportion council rates. Learn how your valuation components work.
The Rates Rebates Scheme assists in the deduction in your rates bill. Find out here if you are eligible and how you can apply.
Are you looking to sell your property or recently did? Take notes of this important information to avoid receiving a Rates Assessment Invoice even after sale of property.
Find out about Rating units with multiple parts (multiple properties) and why you must take extra care when paying invoices for multiple rating units.
Get informed on Instalment penalties, arrears penalties and who is eligible for penalties remission? Access the Rates Penalty Remission application form below if eligible.